Friday, December 10, 2010


I spent a couple of hours tonight on this one.. Actually really like the way it came out, except for the blend on the bumper... I couldn't work out how to fix it...

Actually.. I think it does look a bit CG, but so did the original, so I'm excusing it.

Alrighty, Let's see.. I changed the front bumper, and sideskirt, changed rims (awesome rims.. Konig Tuner2's), coloured the lights very slightly, added rear wing, a bit of smoothing, added tint, removed BMW badge (which might be illegal? :D), and I added a bit of colour correction to the result.


Let me know what you think please :)


  1. Nice, I can't tell if it is fake or not.

  2. Yeah, same here. I think the environment looks "too perfect", but the car's windows look very imperfect, so I don't know.. might be a mix of both.
